Table of Contents


General Questions:

Q: How does your process work?

A: We pride ourselves on the ease of our process, which can be completed online and using your phone!

There is no faxing, visiting a store, or signing paperwork required... and if you're fast, it takes less than 15 minutes!

Once your loan is approved, we will send you your loan by Interac email transfer. Returning reloan customers can have their money in as little as 15 minutes.


  1. You fill out the application form completely on our web site, by pressing the Apply now! button.
  2. Our system will send you an automated email with further instructions and a personalized download link for the Inverite Screencap Application.
  3. You download and install the Inverite Screencap Application. This program allows you to securely upload to us screenshots of your online banking.
  4. You log into your online banking using the Inverite Screencap Application and bring up 180 days of banking history. You press the Capture button in the application and it will send us a screen capture.
  5. If required, you can send us more screenshots by pressing Capture a second or more times. (For instance, if your web banking only shows one month of account history at a time).
  6. Once you upload some web banking screenshots, we will automatically start the review process. If we need more information we will usually try and contact you by telephone, then email.
  7. We will let you know in an email whether your application is accepted or denied.
  8. If accepted, you will be emailed a link to download your Loan Agreement contract!
  9. You click the link provided in your email and download the contract.
  10. You read the contract in full, and then agree to it by typing your name in the box provided to electronically agree to the contact. This constitutes a valid signature according to Electronic Signature law, and is a legally binding agreement.
  11. As long as your banking information has been verified, you are eligible for an Interac Email transfer, which will get you money in about 5 minutes once your loan has been approved and activated on our side.
  12. On your next payday, we will automatically take a payment for the amount of the loan plus the borrowing fee, as specified in your Loan Agreement contract.

Ontario, Nova Scotia or British Columbia Customers

  1. You fill out the application form completely on our web site, by pressing the Apply now! button.
  2. You will be asked to verify your identity and banking information with Inverite Verification, a very secure verification company.
  3. We will let you know in an e-mail whether your application is accepted or denied.
  4. If accepted, you will be given a link to download your Loan Agreement contract!
  5. You click the download link in your e-mail and download the contract.
  6. You read the contract in full, and then agree to it by typing your name in the box provided to electronically agree to the contact. This constitutes a valid signature according to Electronic Signature law, and is a legally binding agreement.
  7. Your funds will be sent immediately via Interac Email transfer upon signing the contract.
  8. On your next payday, we will automatically take a payment for the amount of the loan plus the borrowing fee, as specified in your Loan Agreement contract.

Q: How do I reloan?

A: Short answer: As soon as our payment shows in your on-line banking, please visit our website and click ‘RELOAN NOW. Once you are logged in, please click ‘Apply for a Loan’ and follow the instructions to apply for a reloan with us.

Q: What do I need to qualify for a loan?

A: To qualify with us, you need to regularly receive income(not self-employed) of at least 1000.00 a month with a minimum of 2 payroll deposits with at least one deposit in the previous calendar month. You must be paid by direct deposit or cheque. You will need to provide proof of your income by submitting screen captures of your web-banking using the Inverite Verification application. We require a complete 180 days of banking history. Occasionally, we will also require a fax of a void cheque, recent pay stubs, a recent utility bill or other proof of address, or a bank stamped direct deposit authorization form.

Once we have the information we need, we evaluate each loan application individually. You will be informed by email whether you qualify, usually on the same day as your application.

Q: I am having trouble entering my birthdate, or other dates, on your form. How do I enter a date?

A: Dates on our form are entered in this format: YYYY-MM-DD. So for example, March 1st, 1981 would be entered as: 1981-03-01.

Christmas day 1975 would be: 1975-12-25.

Q: Can I borrow until 2 paydays from now?

A: If you live in BC, Alberta, or Nova Scotia that is no problem! Once you're finished your application and screen captures, just e-mail or call us and we can set that up for you. * Loans may not exceed 60 days in length.

If you live in Ontario, we are unable to extend this courtesy due to provincial regulations. However, you may contact us after your loan has been issued and we can reschedule your payment for you.

Q: I applied but was told that I do not qualify at this time. Can I re-apply later?

A: If your situation changes and you believe you might re-qualify, then please re-apply for a loan using the customer area of our website. There is no need for you to fill out another complete application. A customer service rep will be happy to update your file if you are unable to update the information electronically. Please remember that we can only process one application per 30 days.

Q: How do I know that you are a legitimate business and/or a legal payday lender?

A: Since November 1st, 2009, all payday lenders in British Columbia must be licensed by Consumer Protection BC. is 100% Canadian owned and operated. Our Consumer Protection BC payday lending license number is 52546, our Alberta payday lending license number is 342618 our Ontario payday lending license number is 4721539 and our Nova Scotia license number is 231843061.

Q: What are your hours?

A: We are open from 8AM - 8PM Monday to Friday, 9AM til 5PM Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. All times are in PST.

Q: Where are you located?

A: Our main office is in Surrey , BC but we also have offices all across Canada including in Barrie, ON, and Dartmouth, NS.

Q: I got halfway through the application but was unable to get it finished. How do I carry on where I left off?

A: This depends on how far you got:

If you did not finish filling out the first application form, you will have to start over. Your web browser should remember most of the things you typed into each field though, if you hit the down arrow key on each field.

If you filled out the application form but did not download and install the screen capture program yet, you should check your email and find one from us titled " - Your loan is ready!". This email contains a link to download the Inverite verification application, as well as instructions on what to do.

Q: Your payment has come out of my account and my last loan is paid off. How do I apply for another one?

A: To apply for a reloan, simply take a new screen capture of your web banking. We will need to see a complete history back to the start of your last loan (or 60 days). We will see your submission and get back to you, usually within 15 minutes if we are open.

If you wish to borrow less or more than last time, send us an e-mail to or use the contact us form on the web site and let us know how much you'd like to borrow. We will update your application and contact you.

Q: My loan was paid back today. When can I apply for a reloan?

A: You can apply as soon as your online bank statement shows our payment coming out of your bank account. For detailed instructions, see our reloan guide.

Q: How much can I borrow on a reloan?

A: If this is your second loan for us, and your employment / paycheque situation has not changed, then you will be eligible for a loan of the same amount again.

Starting with your third loan, you will be eligible to borrow a little more each time. Give us a call or an e-mail to discuss an increase.

Q: I need to move my repayment date! What do I do?

A: Please give us a call at 1-877-730-8402, or e-mail us and let us know the details and a good time to call you back. Our usual policy is not to extend repayment dates any futher than one more paycheque.

Q: Unfortunately, my payment has bounced. What now?

A: If your payment has bounced, you will start receiving e-mails from us asking you to get in touch with us. Even if these have not arrived yet and you notice the bounced payment in your web banking, you should call us right away. Failure to contact us in a timely fashion will probaby result in an NSF charge for you . Once we talk to you we can adjust our system not to attempt a payment until an agreed upon date when the money will be in your account.